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Parish Events

Sunday Pancake Brunch


April 6 after the 11 am Mass in Augustinian Hall

Donations Accepted

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April 6

Ladies' Night Out

5:30 pm in Augustinian Hall

Paint, Sip & Indulge! Join us for some painting, wine, chocolate, and charcuterie.

$15/person (if painting).

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February 22

Stations of the Cross & Soup Suppers

Join us for Stations of the Cross and a simple Soup Supper Fridays during Lent.
- Stations of the Cross will take place immediately after the 12:10 PM Mass.
- A Soup Supper will be served at 6:00 PM, followed by Stations of the Cross in the evening.
If you are interested in making a soup for our soup supper, please call the office or sign up using the link below

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Fridays in Lent

Coffee & Donuts

Join us in the St. Matthew undercroft for refreshments and fellowship after the 11 AM Mass every 1st & 3rd Sundays of the Month

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