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Sacraments are "powers that comes forth" from the Body of Christ, which is ever-living and life-giving. They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in his Body, the Church. They are "the masterworks of God" in the new and everlasting covenant.
- CCC 1116

Baptism of Child (Birth to 7 years)
Parents promise in the Rite of Baptism to teach the child what it means to be Catholic, not only by attending Mass each Sunday and Holyday, but also by the way they live their life in the home.
Baptism is most fittingly celebrated during Mass on Sunday, so that the child's baptism may be celebrated by his/her family and extended church family, but may be celebrated outside of Mass if necessary.
Please contact the parish office to learn more about scheduling and preparing for the Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism of Adult (7 years and older) / Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA)
The Church requires that the person go through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), because that person has reached the age of reason, and can make decisions about their faith for him or herself. The OCIA is a set of rituals which gradually welcomes one into the Church, culminating in the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. The OCIA is geared for persons who are not baptized, or whose baptism the Catholic Church does not accept. But sometimes it can also be used for baptized Christians who seek admission into the Church by a profession of faith, and who would also be confirmed. Please contact Amanda Williams at the parish office to learn more about OCIA.
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